Eastwood Park
Eastwood Park, Chesterfield
Chesterfield Borough Council
Chris Burnett Associates were commissioned to prepare a Conservation Management Plan , Landscape Masterplan, Audience Development Plan and Training Plan for Eastwood Park, Hasland in Chesterfield by Chesterfield Borough Council. The park is well used with a village hall in the centre of the park which was donated to the local community in 1914. The park had suffered in recent years from under investment and CBA were asked to consult widely to determine the need and demand for new and restored facilities. Following a successful series of workshops and exhibitions the bid was submitted to the HLF and a stage I pass for c.£1 million gained in 2010. The stage 2 development stage was then tendered and secured by CBA in 2011 and CBA have since been working closely with an in house landscape team in Chesterfield Borough Council to prepare detailed designs, specifications and drawings and tendering a landscape contract with a view to a Stage 2 bid submission in July 2012. Works include :
- A refurbished village hall
- New car park
- New junior and infant play facilities
- A new MUGA and tennis court
- Extensive landscaping and tree planting around the village hall
- Restored railings and gates
- A comprehensive scheme of land drainage for the football pitches and cricket pitch
- New paths , park furniture and artist metalwork railings tom celebrate the park’s centenary