In recent years CBA have specialized in the restoration or creation of water features. This includes the restoration of lakes in historic parkland setting usually through desilting or the creation of new features using traditional puddled clay techniques or artificial lining such as bentomat. Occasionally we are asked to design formal pools in garden settings. We work closely with hyrdologists at Penny Anderson Associates and expert contractors Alaska Environmental Contracting.
- Design and protected species surveys
- Hydrological calculations such as turn over and evaporation loss statistics
- Design of remediation measures including landform restoration
- Obtaining planning consent (lakes fall under engineering operations)
- Discharge of planning conditions
- Liaison with the EA to obtain all necessary consents such as Waste Exemption Licence
- Contract document preparation
- Tendering and tender report
- Appointment of contractors
- Acting as CA and QS for the duration of the works
- Administration of the rectification period